
Medication or Counseling?

The most common stereotype in most people’s minds is that tranquilizers are the only treatment for anxiety disorders. Since many people fear that tranquilizers are addictive and can “control” your mind, they intentionally fail to get treatment that could help them.

While it is true that artificial tranquilizers are sometimes used in anxiety treatment, they play a temporary and minor role overall. Other medications that are not addictive play a more important role in the long term. Furthermore, artificial tranquilizers only work because your brain has its own tranquilizers. Since your brain’s tranquilizers, or “happy messengers,” are being systematically destroyed by stress, it only stands to reason that the artificial equivalent must be supplied in treatment under some conditions.

Seldom, however, are medications used on their own. Usually, professional treatment of anxiety disorders requires a combination of medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Treatment is usually individualized for each patient, depending on the severity of the symptoms and level of function

The bottom line boils down to deciding which forms of anxiety should be treated with medications and which should only be treated with good counseling. In any case, you should always be getting some form of counseling even when you are taking anti-anxiety medication.

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