How Much is Too Much?

Believe it or not, your teen and his peers are very interested in the topic of sex and the changes that are occurring physically and emotionally during adolescence. Listed below are topics that should be covered with your teen at the appropriate age:

Ages 10 to 13

Girls should know about:


Breast development

Hormonal changes

Emotional changes relative to menstruation and reproductive organ development

Stages of body growth

Bodily hair changes

Skin changes (breakouts, clogged pores) and hygiene due to hormonal changes

Female reproductive organs and the body's role in reproduction

How conception and pregnancy occur

Male reproductive organs and their role in pregnancy

Variance in the timing of physical development

Recognizing the unique beauty in each individual

How our culture, namely the media, influences how society treats sex, purity and abstinence

Guys should know about:

Bodily changes (including growth in height, weight, body hair and voice deepening)

Skin changes (breakouts and clogged pores)

Nocturnal emissions or "wet dreams"

Reproductive organ development

How physical changes contribute to create emotional changes during adolescence

Reproductive organ development in females and how conception and pregnancy occur

Variance in the timing of physical development

Recognizing the unique beauty in each individual

How genetics play an important part in development, for example, what we inherit from our family in terms of body appearance, growth and disease factors

How our culture, namely the media, influences how society treats sex, purity and abstinence

Background Information

Questions and Answers


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Other Things to Consider

TransitionsHaving a Baby, Preparing for Adolescence

Life PressuresWorking Moms, Stay-At-Home Moms, Time for Family

RelationshipsParents and Adult Children, Blended Families