Prevention Starts at Home

Questions to ask teens

  • Are you frightened at the thought of eating situations where you will have to eat a normal meal?
  • Do you have food rituals such as eating food in rigid sequence, keeping foods from touching each other, eating a very limited variety of foods, cutting food into small pieces and blotting food with napkins to remove fat?
  • Do you feel good or bad according to how much you eat, how much you weigh or how much exercise you get?
  • Does weighing too much make you keep to yourself and feel lonely?
  • Do you spend most of your time thinking about how much food you have eaten or will be eating during the day?
  • Do you use laxatives, vomiting, diet pills, excessive exercise or water pills to help you lose weight or feel in control of your weight?
  • Would you eat more than others if you didn't control yourself?
  • Do you sometimes feel out of control when eating and frequently eat beyond the point of fullness?
  • Are you frequently depressed because you feel overweight?
  • Do you diet or fast (for other than biblical purposes) weekly or monthly?
  • Do you feel that if you could lose weight you could achieve all your other goals?
  • Do you restrict your eating or overeat when you are stressed and feel unhappy?

Background Information

Questions and Answers


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Other Things to Consider

RelationshipsBlended Families, Parents and Adult Children

TransitionsPreparing for Adolescence, Empty Nest