preparing for adolescence

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Background Information

Caution: Changes Ahead
Prepare your children for adolescence before they embark on its rocky road.

Preparing for Change
Surviving one of life's most turbulent passages comes down to preparation, communication and a whole lot of understanding.

Questions and Answers

How can I avoid a communication blackout during the teen years?

How can I avoid future adolescent rebellion?

Review Frequently Asked Questions


Predators in the Tall Grass
Sometimes it's what you can't see that poses the biggest threat.

If you've been through a experience related to this topic, we invite you to share your story with others.
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Other Things to Consider

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride: Lessons Learned About Adolescence
How do you survive your kids' adolescent years? Listen to the advice of Mr. Toad.

Where is God in the Midst of All My Troubles?
So many cry out to Him in times of need, but is God really listening? And, more important, does He care?

Life PressuresWorking Moms, Stay-at-Home Moms

RelationshipsBlended Families, Divorce, Parents and Adult Children, Caring for Elderly Parents