ADHD has become a label seemingly affixed to every hyperactive or distracted child. Though young boys and girls are known for occasional hyperactivity and distraction, children who truly have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) face profoundly unique challenges at home and in the classroom. Kids with these disorders generally struggle in school and are often considered flighty, lazy and disorganized, labels that can lead to poor self-esteem. Because of a low tolerance for boredom and frustration, these children also frequently resort to mischief, leading to persistent discipline problems. As is the case with many physical and psychological conditions, knowledge and understanding are a key to conquering the problem.
Background Information
Treatment of AD/HD
A comprehensive approach to treating AD/HD.
Types of Learning Difficulties
If you suspect your child may have a learning disability, parents need to be aware of the symptoms that prevent learning at school.
Characteristics and Causes of Attention Deficit Disorders
Attention disorders may be one of the most prevalent problems of childhood.
Questions and Answers
My daughter has some of the symptoms of ADD, but she is a very quiet child. Are some ADD kids withdrawn and sedate?
My six-year-old son is beginning to have learning problems in school because he can't stay in his seat and concentrate on his lessons. What should I do?
Does ADD go away as children grow up?
We have a 5-year-old son who has been diagnosed with ADD. He is really difficult to handle, and I have no idea how to manage him.
What kind of treatment is available for ADD/ADHD?
A Reason to Hope
Poor grades at school, inattentiveness and a failure to complete tasks might have a cause you haven't thought of.
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Other Things to Consider
Transitions: Having a Baby, Preparing for Adolescence
Life Pressures: Working Moms, Stay-At-Home Moms, Time for Family
Relationships: Parents and Adult Children, Blended Families